New Features and Updates
This page will document the differences between GenSAS versions and when GenSAS was last updated.
Version 6.0 (September 2018)
- BRAKER can take multple BAM files (9/6/19)
- Added option to upload aligned BAM file of previously aligned RNA-seq reads (12/15/18)
- Protein sequence parsing problem fixed, added ability to run BUSCO at OGS step (10/16/18)
- Addition of BUSCO, HISAT2, DIAMOND, pBLAT (version of BLAT that runs multi-threaded), BRAKER2
- Option to use soft-masked sequence with some gene prediction tools added
- Summary report of tools and setting used to generate OGS produced at Publish step
- BLAT, BLAST+, InterProScan, HISAT2, DIAMOND, BRAKER2, GeneMark-ES, TopHat2, PASA now all run multi-threaded on the cluster
- Assembly sequence names processed to remove special characters and for length
- Option to make combined GFF3 file with OGS, repeats, rRNA, tRNA data and functional annotation info in column 9 added to Publish step
Version 5.1 (January 2018)
- Upgraded to use Tomcat 8 and Apollo2
- Added Help section to accordion menu
- Implemented restrictions on user accounts
- Added PRINSEQ to check assembly quality at Sequence step
- GenSAS jobs now sent to computational cluster
- Gene models that were manually edited also have functional tools run on them during integration into OGS
Version 5.0 (January 2017)
- Sequences step added before Project step to allow users to create subsets of sequences
- Evidence step divided into GFF3 and Evidence steps
- Align step added before structural annotation to allow TopHat alignments of RNA-seq data to be used to train Augustus
- OGS (official gene set) step added
- Illumina RNA-seq read upload added
- GeneMarkS, GeneMarkES, RNAmmer added
- User-created annotations from Apollo integrated into OGS during Publish step
- User Manual added
Version 4.0 (2015-2016)
- Reorganization of how data is stored to improve the parent-child relationships
- Functional annotation tools added
- Structural and functional annotation
Version 3.0 (2014-2015)
- New single page interface design (current interface)
- Integration of JBrowse and Apollo
- Structural annotation only
Version 2.0 (2012-2014)
- Removed the size limit on DNA sequences
- Improved the user interfaces and added more anntotation tools
- Structural annotation only
Version 1.0 (2011)
- Designed to annotate BAC clones so only smaller pieces of DNA were allowed, not whole genomes
- Separate web page interface for job creation and to browse results (custom browser)
- Structural annotation only